Monday 18 October 2010

POSTER: Pitching Ideas for Posters

Initially all members of our group completed a preliminary sketch of a film poster. We then decided on the one that looked the best to base our actual poster upon:

Due to limited resources and the fact that one poster looked significantly better we decided on the left draft to base our poster upon. We then created a Publisher draft:

From this we realised that our image was pixalated as this size and that there was a lack of colour. After reshooting the image at a better quality and arrangment we realised that there was little colour within the image. We then made the decision to make it black and white. This, with the white writing left no colour in the poster and it looked dull. This then promted us to change the colour of the text. A deep red seemed suitable as it's the colour of love, this fits in with the film realease date as well being valentine's day. Here is our final product:

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