Monday 18 October 2010

POSTER: Exploring Fonts

When designing the film poster the font used needed to be taken into consideration. The film title 'From Joe, With Love' is a message delivered to the main female character via gift tag. For this reason we wanted it to look like handwriting. We used a microsoft font and settled on 'Brush Script MT' as it looked very effective. Other fonts were to thick and didn't actually look like handwriting. The style is quite old fashioned in terms of comparison to handwriting, this fits with the love theme of the film and reinforces it. We thought of the font as early as our preliminary sketched and so it was essential that we got this right.

Other fonts we used on the poster where the actors name/release date and the functional information. For the functional information a formal 'boring' font was used following conventions of a film poster. We used 'Agency FB' for the functional information. For the actors names and realease date we fount 'Proletarsk' which seemed rather effective.

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